Diet and Fitness – Tackling Childhood Obesity

Acest post a fost initial publicat pe aceasta pagina Diet and fitness aren’t things only adults have to consider. Approximately 1 in 5 children in North America are clinically obese. What is also concerning is that this number has tripled since 1980. A combination of sedentary lifestyles and poor nutrition are creating a scary trend. … Read more

Diet and Fitness – Take Control of Your Sex Life by Building a Better Butt

Acest post a fost initial publicat pe aceasta pagina Diet and fitness go hand in hand with the health of your sex life. Obesity, poor blood pressure, irregular hormone and gland production are all symptoms of poor level of fitness. These conditions also negatively affect your ability to function well sexually. Impotence and arousal can … Read more

Diet and Fitness – Sucking in Your Gut

Acest post a fost initial publicat pe aceasta pagina hen it comes to improving our appearance, we should concentrate on diet and fitness, not fads, trends, or gimmicks. For example, it’s no secret that many women these days have a habit of sucking in their stomachs when they walk in an effort to have a … Read more

How Diet And Fitness Work Together

Acest post a fost initial publicat pe aceasta pagina Most of us have been at a place in our lives where we are struggling to regain our physical fitness. The accumulation of a few – or many – pounds over a few years, a sedentary lifestyle spent sitting at a desk, and a chaotic schedule … Read more

Watch Your Diet and Fitness For a Healthier You

Acest post a fost initial publicat pe aceasta pagina What does it mean to live a healthy lifestyle? Generally it means you participate in a healthful diet and fitness program, you don’t smoke, you limit alcohol consumption, and you maintain a normal weight. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Not really? For most people, trying to balance … Read more

Acest post a fost initial publicat pe aceasta pagina Descopera cea mai mare colectie de bratari de piele din tara. Nu uita ca bratarile reprezinta un accesoriu ”’must-have” si pentru femei si pentru barbati in 2011. Profita de aceasta super oferta ce contine toate stilurile de bratari de piele care sunt in trend anul acesta: … Read more

Briz-Briz Biju e vedeta TV!

Acest post a fost initial publicat pe aceasta paginaBriz-Briz Biju a fost invitat special ieri, 19 septembrie, in direct pe Antena 2, la emisiunea “Incepe Bahmu” cu Adriana Bahmuteanu. Am prezentat colectia de vara si am vorbit despre bijuurile mele handmade. Am facut si o demonstratie live, i-am modelat chipul lui Bahmu in Fimo. A fost … Read more